I’m mary.
I am a wild, alchemical elixir of knowledge and experience.
I Offer my Tonic to help guide and support others on their healing journeys.
Definition of Tonic:
a substance taken to give a feeling of vigor or well-being.
something with an invigorating effect
Welcome to my little portal of the inter-web. I’m so glad you found me. We always end up where we need to be. And you were meant to be right here, right now…even if it is simply to wonder.
Maybe you’ve arrived here by accident. Maybe you’re interested in learning more about real food. Maybe you’re not happy with how you feel and are trying to find your way back to yourself. Maybe you’re being called to step into your truth, but you’re wrestling your shadow and need a compass. Maybe you’re in need of connection with your higher self, your body, or Spirit. Maybe you’re needing to enliven and strengthen your frequency and vibration to feel more ALIVE and attract more goodness in your life. Maybe there is no such thing as “maybe”. Everything is connected and if we listen closely, we can hear our own inner guidance, our truth. The signs are everywhere. Perhaps you already know, but you’re trying to remember.
How do We heal?
Clearing energetic pathways in your physical body can connect you more deeply with your own spirit and strengthen your intuition. Choosing natural and nutrient-dense foods, along with detoxification practices, can help you achieve this. And help your body heal.
Removing obstacles in your emotional body can help heal your deepest core wounds. Learning to observe, understand, and have compassion for your emotional wiring is the first step to achieving emotional intelligence.
Connecting and returning to your home frequency (spirit body or vibration) can help break through the stories and the fear the intellectual mind, or ego creates. Aligning back to your natural state of being and realizing the power you were born with can help unravel the insecurities created by the ego-driven mind and help heal your spirit. Our biggest obstacle is sometimes just the overactive mind.
When you ALIGN your physical body, emotional body, and spirit body you can reconnect with your true nature…LOVE and JOY.
Being aligned can help you decipher and choose truth over falsehoods. Discover simple and effective practices to commune with yourself and nature. We always know the answer, but sometimes we need help removing the clutter so we can truly listen.
Whether you need to clear the physical, emotional, and/or your spirit body, I can guide you through your journey to achieve that.
If you’d like to chat for a free, friendly, and confidential conversation, just reach out. Let’s connect and see where it leads. I’m here when you need me. And I wish you many blessings on your journey, wherever it may lead.